Another 50+ hymns from the Getty’s canon are noted in the top 2,000 of that same CCLI list for the UK.

It was recently voted the #2 best-loved hymn of all time in the UK according to a BBC Songs of Praise national survey and among the top 5 hymns of all time by the UK Hymns Society. In Christ Alone (penned by Keith and Stuart, and recorded by Keith and Kristyn) echoes this heritage, holding the #1 position of most-frequently-sung in UK churches for the past 8 consecutive years. These modern hymns are rooted in the traditions of Celtic and English hymnody handed down to the Northern Ireland-born couple and long-time writing partner, Stuart Townend. In re-inventing the traditional hymn form, they have created a distinguished catalogue of songs teaching Christian doctrine and crossing genres by connecting the world of traditional and classical composition with contemporary and globally-accessible melodies. Song Results In Christ Alone Christ Our Hope In Life And Death Speak O Lord The Power Of The Cross The Lord Is My Salvation By Faith My Worth Is Not In. Keith and Kristyn Getty occupy a unique space in the world of music today as preeminent modern hymn writers.