Bahtera: Jurnal Pendidikan, Bahasa, Sastra, Dan Budaya, 6(12), 737–749. Kontradiksi Nilai Pendidikan Antikorupsi Antara Novel Negeri Para Bedebah dan Si Anak Pintar Karya Tere Liye. International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies, 25(1), 35. The Validity of the E-Book on Integrated Physics for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Materials. These materials are displayed in the form of readings and practice questions scattered in descriptive texts, explanations, news, stories, and letters.Īyu, F., & Fauzi, A. The material includes elements of disaster consisting of prevention (mitigation), preparation (preparedness), response (response), and repair (recovery). The results of the analysis show that out of the six chapters, there are four chapters of disaster management materials in Indonesian class VII books. The data analysis technique uses interactive analysis which consists of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions elaborated with relevant theories. Data collection techniques used listening, analysis, and note-taking techniques. The data in this study are words, sentences, paragraphs, and discourses in Class VII Indonesian Books related to forms of disaster management. The data source for this research is Indonesian class VII books published by the Center for Books and Curriculum of the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2021. This study aims to describe the form of disaster management in Indonesian books at the junior high school level. The number of victims and losses due to disasters requires a response for all communities. These disasters are caused by natural and non-natural factors. Ndonesia is a country that has the potential to be heavily affected by disasters.